How do I edit the items in my subscription?Updated a year ago
To access your subscription, you'll need to log in here. The dashboard will show you the price, shipping frequency, items included, the next charge date, and shipping information.
To adjust item quantities, add new product(s), or change it to a different product click "Edit Products" at the bottom of your dashboard.
If adding products, click "Add Product(s) to subscription" button to view all or search for something specific. If you'd like to add more than one of the same item, click the + as many times as needed.
Note that you can add additional product(s) to your order as a subscription or a 1x add-on!
Before you exit your dashboard, please review your order to ensure that the product(s) you want are listed and the correct quantity is accurate as well.
If you need additional help, feel free to contact us here: [email protected]